Frequently Asked Questions

Visit the following website for up to date recycling guidelines:

Yes! Please ensure that your garbage is in an approved 13 gallon waste bag. 

We simply ask all our customers to PLEASE, do NOT try and attempt to time the garbage truck. There are some unforeseen variables that come into play during our daily routes. For instance, when frost laws are implemented, we are forced to do our routes differently to accommodate the frost laws. Simple Rule of Thumb: put your items out to the curb the night before.

On certain routes of ours, we utilize what is called the "Split Body" truck. This type of equipment has a divider in the back of the truck that allows us to pick up Trash and Recycle at the same stop. Recycle goes in on once side of the truck and trash goes in the other. Most of our split body trucks have the trash compartment on the curb side, and the Recycle compartment is on the driver side. Your materials ARE being recycled, so please don't think we're throwing out your recycled products. We have a few different split body trucks and are constantly upgrading and updating our fleet to be more efficient.

Very simple! Call us! We're the professionals and we have the resources and equipment to safely find your septic tank without digging up your entire yard.

Rule of thumb is every 3 years. However, depending on the household and its septic tank size, every situation may be a little different. If you have some questions, we'd be happy to help assist any way shape or form, so give us a call! We can at least point you in the right direction and give you some tips on how to make your septic system more efficient.

We don't believe in adding chemicals. Think of your septic system as a stomach. It creates bacteria in order for your septic system to operate correctly. Simply adding in chemicals could jeopardize that bacteria growth and potentially not do what it's suppose to do. We recommend getting your tank cleaned once a year and cleaning your filter twice a year. We offer riser systems to the customer and can educate you on your system during a maintenance call, so that way you know what's involved and you can save some money doing a few things on your own to ensure your septic system is operating the way that it's suppose to!

North Country